Memorable Music Musings

“ Music replays the past memories, awakens our forgotten worlds, and makes our mind travel. ” ( Michael Bassey Johnson)

I’ve been pondering for awhile the need to discard thousands of music CD’s I’ve collected over the past thirty years lying neatly in cabinets along our condo living room walls. Certainly there’s a space issue involved in trying to downsize my material music possessions. But more importantly I rarely play CDs any more in the face of the more convenient digital streaming evolution. So in less than two months time, I’ve conducted a project to transfer the contents of each CD album I own to several customized Spotify playlists set up by category. Take a  look at the title photograph of this blog and you might notice how I’ve organized these music files for future ease of playback access when desired. 

Interestingly, this process of methodically digitizing to Spotify my physical music collection revealed two major results of timely personal interest. For given the current storage space limits on my IPad and I Phone, my heavy Spotify project downloads would first of all compel me to take a long look at other current app subscriptions that seemed to be draining my current storage space limits on these devices and thus were no longer needed. So I’ve managed to save time and money by being more selective in what apps I wish to keep using for practical reasons especially in travel , sports, and news topic fields.

A second “bottom line consequence “of more emotional interest happened as I re-listened to so many song segments for an hour or so each day during the CD transfer process. For on those occasions of those randomly selected replays of my favorite albums, I found myself reminiscing in “deja vu” style about memorable short and longer vacations that we’ve enjoyed before. How special it seemed then to become acutely aware of those iconic song lyrics that still inspire my wife and me today to continue our wondrous wanderings around the world and throughout our home country of America on our own independent terms. Notice below then a short sample of some motivating words and accompanying sound links from four of those magical music creations below that fuel our free spirit to travel.

** This blog is also available as a podcast on Spotify. Just type in  the Search box there – Snippets of A Traveling Mind

The Long Way Around – The Chicks

“I’ve been a long time gone now
Maybe someday, someday I’m gonna settle down
But I’ve always found my way somehow
By takin’ the long way, takin’ the long way around
Takin’ the long way, takin’ the long way around”

Wooden Ships – Crosby Stills, Nash And Young 

“Wooden ships on the water, very free and easy
Easy, you know the way it’s supposed to be
Silver people on the shoreline, let us be
Talkin’ ’bout very free and easy”. And it’s a fair wind blowin’ warm
Out of the south over my shoulder
I guess I’ll set a course and go”

The Traveler: Days Are Numbers – Alan Parsons Group

“The traveler is always leaving home
The only kind of life he’s ever known
When every moment seems to be a race against the time
There’s always one more mountain left to climb

Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line

“Well, it’s all right riding around in the breeze
Well, it’s all right if you live the life you please
Well, it’s all right doing the best you can
Well, it’s all right as long as you lend a hand”

11 thoughts on “Memorable Music Musings

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  1. Oh yes, definitely worth the trouble. I uploaded all my cds to an iPod just before selling my home in South Florida and hitting the road. Now, I associate certain songs with specific places. For example, I can remember tent camping in Wyoming & listening to some sad songs from Jackson Browne when I had been on my own too long & was missing friends I’d met in Arizona. “WITHOUT MUSIC, LIFE
    WOULD BE A MISTAKE” -Nietzsche


      1. I’ve made playlists with various themes & “mood music.” For example, I have playlists titled Melancholy Rock, Old School R&B, 90’s Mellow, and Gritty Blues. And you’ll find more than a single genre in many of my playlists: imagine Bonnie Raitt & Mary J Blige together! 🌞


  2. Good luck. I did the same thing a number of years ago. It was a bit of a painful process, but it’s so much better than keeping those CDs lying around (especially since I don’t even have a CD player anymore).


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