Grandstanding Fails With Children

“Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts”

(Donald Trump, July 24,2017 Rally)

Freedom Kids sing as “Big Brother” inspects
While hypocrisy rises to stir maximum effects
A fusillade of “trash talk” flames the crowd as intended
As catcalls and boos demean our country unmended

IMG_1273When Boy Scouts can be conned in such poorly thought ways
Their idealism of youth makes them vulnerable to “plays”
This leader who “sells out” the truth to capture young eyes
Remains hugely unpresidential through his self serving lies

IMG_1310Heil Hitler demands blind duty to his Fascist cause.
So the youth bred pure “Aryan” will serve without flaws
While children huddle near their “Fuhrer to”seek his like
Their Nazi swastikas soar proudly to serve the “Third Reich”

Students stand with awe despite Russia’s cold past
When the atrocities of Red Communism brought fears of aghast
While the “Iron Rule” of Putin sparks an allure of tough guy
Such brainwashing evades notice that his opponents may die

Kim Jong seeks children who adore him at rallies
While ignoring thoughts of freedoms in actual vote tallies
From younger to older they “bought in” to his show
To think proudly that the prospect of World War III will grow


When a leader speaks to youngsters with serious thought
It makes sense that sound values should always be sought
And while rulers may speak proudly as an issues presenter
They must role model good citizenship as their childhood mentor




8 thoughts on “  Grandstanding Fails With Children

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  1. simply stunning, you have really nailed the poetry and far surpassed anything I could compose .. great message, it’s called mass hysteria the tool Billy Graham used to brainwash his audiences :(

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When you realize that children lack the prior experiences of adults, you realize on a deeper cognitive level they can be taught to believe anything with time.


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